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Where the Previous African Efforts experienced inadequacy, incoherence and controversies in the definition and implementation of joint goals to successfully meet the expectations for an Africa’s sustained development; Africans need New Independent Actors with particular unifying vocation and new transformative mission driven in parallel convergence from political views to support African Peoples and Leaders breaking barriers and crossing mutual strengths for prevailing against failures and committing back building together.

Africans do not need an UNCACED that threats global existing actions directed towards Africa's development, but an UNCACED that upholds and consolidates the Spirit of Collective Strengths and Afro - Global Goodwill in new joint dynamic of spectacular developments for a more Sustainable Stronger Africa with the voice and contribution of Africans.

Africans need neutral and independent actors who triumph over debacles, poverty, conflicts, divisions, violence and isolation, and promote the power of new afro-continental unity and afro-global solidarity in building a new inclusive action policy framework that makes Africa the home of peace and wellbeing for Africans and future generations; a UNCACED that serve as Key Catalyzer and Essential Builder of Afro-Continental Expected Model for unified prosperous communities and resilient civilizations in Africa, for and with Africans

Africans do not need a Greater Africa (sitting on) and justified through a large area and rich unfruitous and superficial (useless & volatile) natural resources; but the UNCACEDies working with particular mandate of supporting the transformation of the continental (through it's potentialities) into a Greater Prosperous Africa made up of united and cohesive peoples and leaders; happy to participativelly constituting, having and belonging to a common, clean, responsible and useful identity on which the World and African Generations can rely to in the new dynamics of collective solutions to future global and societal challenges.

Africans need a UNCACED that works for continual advancement of more thriving African communities, constituted and built by wise, courageous, unifying and educator men and women ; intelligent, hard-working, patriotic and realist sons and daughters ; all united in the same language, same interpretation and same comprehension; able (each one in his turn of role) to individually and collectively assuming, leading and achieving greater civic responsibilities and obligations to make Africa, "a true cradle of humanity and shared happiness".

Africans need a UNCACED that turns Africa into a culturally sustainable, inspirational and civilized hotbed in which Africans are so proud to safely and peacefully rise, grow and live. An African sphere and skyline in which people are guided by common cultural values of mutual respect, curiosity, listening, recognition, and stand for mutual goals towards the same destination as more unified communities. A loving, trustful, courageous, honest, very welcoming and hospitable African society caring each for others and for strangers. Africans with Diversity of Faith and Beliefs but rooted in the common faith and beliefs based in Collective Wealth and Sustainable Economic Ascensions; and as well Communities Constantly Holy, Adoring and Closed to God.

The world is as well awaiting for a new Africa that support the development of global economies and sustainable prosperity, solving the global warming issues, pressures of the Constant Global Population Explosion and creating vital conditions spurring new global destinations and humanity wellbeing.

The UNCACED is not for Eastern - Western - Central - Northwestern - Southwestern or Sub-Saharan Communities…; neither for Congolese, Rwandans, Egyptians, nor for Kenyans, South Africans, Nigerians, or Zambians... It's not for Nilotic, Bantus, Masaï, Hutu; neither for Christians, nor for Muslims. It's not for Governments against Population; neither for the population against Leaders; nor for Believers against Unbelievers. It's not for Europeans against Americans, neither for Indians against Chinese, nor is Arabians against Caribbeans but it’s the call to the Goodwill of all these platforms, unions, communities, horizons and identities to walk together in a New Comprehensive Sacred Union for rethinking, activating and keeping forward One Judicious and Prosperous Africanism that recognize and integrates everyone and built by everyone for everyone.

The UNCACED stands with dearest dreams and ideals as well as fervent hopes in a More Economically Powerful Africa, rebuilt and endowed of power by all, with Africans and for all. It’s the future of: One Africa – One self-People – One Prosperity: the Last Smart Bulldozer in front of African Tougher Challenges and the Strategic Rooftop of Global Generational Solutions.